Mr. Bright's Great Speech In Dublin On Tuesday Was...
it is said, under a good deal of difficulty, from both huskiness of voice and general indisposition. Nevertheless it was a very fine one. Its practical suggestions we have......
The Emperor Of The French Has Ordered A Commission To
report on the reorganization of the French Army. The Commission includes six Ministers, the Marshals of France, and several Generals, of whom Fleury and Trocim are the best......
On The Following Day Mr. Bright Received A Deputation From
the Cork Farmers' Club, and addressed them with as much reti- cence and caution as he had shown in his great speech of the previous day. He spoke very highly of the present......
The Princess Dagmar Of Denmark Professed The Greek Faith On
the 24th of October, and on 26th of October was betrothed to Alexander, Heir Apparent of Russia. Should this lady live, she and her sister, the Princess of Wales, a few years......
Some Tailor Or Other Has, It Is Said, Been Shooting
at the Kaiser. His name is not given, there is no proof that the pistol was loaded, and the whole story looks very much as if the Viennese police, who are very clever, had got......
News Of The Week.
V ENETIA has voted herself Italian by 641,758 to 69, which, considering that Venice was Italian by the will of Heaven, whether she voted it or no, is highly satisfactory. It is......
On 29th October The Pope Delivered Two Allocutions To His
Cardinals, one complaining that.4ussia has violated the Concordat of 1848, which is of no importance; the other declaring that the temporal power is essential to his spiritual......
Lord George Manners Has Made An Important Speech....
Wednesday to the Farmers' Club at Newmarket, Lord George suggested that it was becoming necessary to tempt the labourers to stay, and he thought the best way to do it would be......
Provincial History Of England.—taz Downs And The Valley...
SEVERN will commence next week.......