3 NOVEMBER 1866, Page 19


Letters on the Insuperable Differences which Separate the Church of England from the Church of Rome. Letters to tha late Charles Butler. By H. Philpotts, Di)., Bishop of Exeter. New Edition. (Murray.)— This new edition of the Bishop of Exeter's vigorous letters on the essential difference between Romanism and Protestantism is well timed. It is, of course, intended to supply an antidote to the well meaning but dangerous attempts to reconcile what is irreeoncileable, and to promote a union which must in effect be an absorption. The Bishop apologizes for his disrespectful treatment of St. Augustine, which he would not repeat now, but this will, perhaps, enhance the value of the book with some people. At all events the republication was quite desirable, and the present generation will do well to make themselves acquainted with a work that was deservedly highly appreciated by their fathers.