The Bishop of Argyll and the- Isles,. Dr.. Ewing, has
given,a• strong proof of his own dislike to the ritualistic practices which assume and' signify transubstantiation, by prohibiting all rites con- trary to the custom of the English Church, and which interfere with ' the popular uses of the sacrament for the sake of the sym- bolism of sacrifice, and offering to administer himself the sacra- ment to all who wish it, in the Protestant manner. The•real .difficulty of Episcopacy is the exact opposite to that of Dissent,- 'the difficulty of compelling sufficient conformity to the preposses- sions of the congregation. It is obvious that without any such- conformity the people will be alienated, while with too -R./eh the liberty of the clergyman is sacrificed. The Bishop of Argyll has invented. an excellent temporary palliation of the evils which arise from ,the divergences,between priest and people, but, the Church needs something more permanent and organic..