[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Stn,—Having noticed that Mr. Merivale's translation in the Spectator of October 20th from the Norwegian of a poem called" The English Captain" has attracted some attention, I beg, for accuracy's sake, to say that the original poem, which is written in fluent rhymed iambic verses, is by the Danish poet Carl Bagger, who was born in Copenhagen 1807, and died in 1846. It was published about ten years before his death under the title, "A Picture from 1807," and undoubtedly inspired by the national feeling of deep resentment in which its author had grown up, for the unprovoked bombardment of Copenhagen and the taking of the fleet became the first chapter in a disastrous period of Danish history, and it took many generations before the wound healed.—I am, Sir, &c.,