Animal Heroes.* The " Biography " Begins As A Biography
should, at the begin. ning. We have a quite idyllic picture of the grizzly's cub. hood, as he wanders about with his mother and his two brothers and sister,—an uncommonly large......
Piccalilli. By Edith Farmiloe. (grant Richards. 6s.)—miss...
drawings of her own—mostly in outline, but not inexpressive, and carefully coloured—the little stories which she tells. Sometimes her pencil is a little more ambitious, as in......
The Century Magazine. May-october, 1900. (macmillan And...
chief feature of this half-yearly volume, as it was of the last, is Mr. John Morley's "Oliver Cromwell." In this instalment the story of the Protector is taken up at Charles's......
Goldin The Furnace. By M. H. Cornwall- Legh. (r.t.s. Es.
Gd.) —The two cousins, Mary and Afilly, are feminine varieties of the two characters so familiar in fiction,—the" industrious "and the " idle " apprentice. The contrast between......