(Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.]
China and the Present Crisis. By Joseph Walton, M.P. (Samp- son Low, Marston, and Co. 6s.)--Mr. Walton went to China and the Far East last year, and published an account of his experiences, which now appears in a second edition. He has criticisms to make upon the action of our Government—so has . every one—and he has suggestions for the future. These are reasonable enough, but as they chiefly concern the "open door" there is a good deal to be done before they can apply, The first thing that we have to ask is : "What is behind the open door ' ? " It is abundantly clear by this time that the critics who censured the slackness of our Government were very much out. It is no question of concessions and leases to this Power or that; it is a question of life and death between the East and the West.