3 NOVEMBER 1900, Page 8
Leila's Quest, and What Came of It. By Emma Leslie.
(S.P.C.K. 2s. 6d.)—It was certainly a little hard on Mrs. Main- Leila's Quest, and What Came of It. By Emma Leslie. (S.P.C.K. 2s. 6d.)—It was certainly a little hard on Mrs. Main-
Waring to have two children lost at the same time, one kid- napped by itinerant showmen, the other lost in the "quest" which she makes for her sister. But it supplies a good story ; the two "recognitions "—and every one knows that the recognition is, according to Aristotle, a dramatic necessity—furnish two effective scenes. One is at the circus, the other in the work- house, and they are both well described.