Stable Management and Exercise. By Captain Horace Hayes, F.R.C.V.S. (Hurst
and Blackett. 12s. net.)—This is a really admirable book on the management of stables and horses. It is distinguished from other books of a like nature which we have come across by a judicious mixture of practical maxims and scientific opinions. There is no greater living authority on the subject than Captain Hayes ; and he is convinced that the reading public, which becomes better educated every day, values opinions only when they are supported by valid reasons. With- out going into veterinary matters, there is hardly a subject con- nected with stables that we have not found treated, always clearly, and usually in an original way. Rules for exercising and working, feeding and watering, grooming, clothing, and lodging horses are laid down, and the principles, theories, and causes which determine them are all explained. For this reason, per- haps, the book is not very suitable for the groom or coachman,
who would find the scientific parts rather beyond him. For the horse-owner we cannot recommend a better book.