[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
Sin,—In my experience of relief work during the last few years few things have stood out so markedly as the great work of the British Relief Societies. The All-British Appeal is now making a gallant effort to raise sufficient funds to help the Near East refugees. During my brief visit to England I have been told of the generous response of your readers on behalf of these unfortunate people. Money is wanted to support them for one year, after which they will be self-supporting. It is a great cause, worthy of the great British people. If the All-British Appeal succeeds, hundreds of thousands of sufferers will be saved from a great tragedy. The British Societies have already done magnificent humani- tarian work ; to enable them to continue, the help of your readers is asked. I sincerely hope that those who sympathize with the All-British Appeal will send a donation to General Buildings, Aldwych, W.C. 2, and so carry on the long tradition of charity which your great nation has maintained.—! am,
Sir, &c., . FRIDJOF NANSEN. South Western Hotel, Southampton.