Herr Maximilian Harden On The State Of Europe. [to The
Editor of the SrEerATOR.] Sra,—Slowly recovering from the attempt that was made to 'murder hilt' last 'spring, that great journalist and controversialist, Maximilian Harden, has......
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Certain articles and reviews which have appeared in the Spectator, in which eugenics has been sympathetically dealt with, encourage me to......
Can The Farmer Save Himself?
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIB,—Your correspondent, Mr. Somers Cocks, properly draws attention to the fact that Denmark imports about seven millions sterling's worth of......
The Break-up Of Germany.
[To the Editor of the SpEcrAron.1 SIR,—Your impressive article under the above heading moves me to send you the following extract from the letter of a friend, who has been......
Dr. Robert Bell And Cancer.
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIE,-.4 have read Dr. Robert Bell's letter in the Spectator with sincere regret. Dr. Bell has written much that is inter- esting and useful......