[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIB,—Your correspondent, Mr. Somers Cocks, properly draws attention to the fact that Denmark imports about seven millions sterling's worth of cereals and seeds annually. But this is not all the story. In the period 1876-80 Denmark exported /969,000 worth of corn, flour, meal, seeds and food- stuffs, net. In the 1910-13 period Denmark imported 19,368,000 worth, net. But she used those imported products to raise her surplus export of animals and animal produce from £3,558,000 worth to £24,264,000 worth. Your corre- spondent's deduction, therefore, that. Denmark by no means succeeds in feeding herself does not seem to be justified when the full facts are stated.—I am, Sir, &c., P.S.—May I add the hope that Mr. Morrell's articles will be republished after their completion in the columns of the Spectator?