[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I was encouraged by two of my colleagues after dinner one night to attempt to turn into Anaereontics Mr. Gerald Miller's poem, "The Young Girl Wedded," which you printed in the issue of October 6th. I enclose a copy of the result.—I am, Sir, &c., A. N. BRYAN-BROWN. Worcester College, Oxford.
arpoyytAn rt.tXunia KELP?? VIVA O'Ktlgo EIS 56K0111 grepuiaa fioitftei, eloirratcr' "Epws 1101, pto doscarr" ipwsrov drelpirwr brcairi.
plos a' dp' IroXos, 6-rcur crrbyg TLilaicptuf civ&7e6v inrearlr, 340.1. TE rapilipeto4 hal tcpu44 woravro, etynr r' few XaSpalat Oupala rpci-yizar' oo rw rparrycipnr, pirov ae ewapwljxapci TOT' fia,
ea *Voir ris ettyXri rugiercrerat raxein raxela a8843 Ippec iKei "Eptut fteXico-cs scaOriOpev. tra-ylv re KapaboicoCre 6pAov, &as 4aoL Ta Tarn% MON, fga XoPficr a6vwv TE Aot rpoolPtilev SELViZY 8tw86vwv re elailds, ray at; irpiv tyvwv, arccrricti Siicti re irpar criplikov 1.51 Aikteracu- rig ret imp!' throe ;