It is with deep regret that we record the sudden
death of M. Philip Millet, the eminent French journalist. M. Millet was a friend of England from the time of his first published article to the day of his death. The vicissitudes of events which now drew together and now alienated the two countries never affected M. Millet's stedfast friendship and his determination to promote good relations. This was all the more remarkable in that he held opinions by no means antagonistic to the present French Government. But if England has lost a firm friend in M. Millet, readers of the Spectator have a more intimate loss in that of a contributor. He has more than once enriched these columns with his knowledge and grasp of world-wide affairs. But the greatest loss is to the world in general. There is now one less of the all too few voices of reason that arc audible to-day above the clamour of prejudice and passion.