Mr. Fry, who has thrice attended the League Assembly as assistant to the delegate of the Ruling Princes of India, has written an uncommonly clear exposition of the organiza- tion and work of the League, and has illustrated it with many graphic diagrams which, if carefully studied, should be helpful. He has secured a sensible chapter on disarma- ment from Prince Ranjitsinhji, who points out that it is absurd to expect any sudden and simultaneous disarmament on the part of the nations, and that a limitation of armaments must come first. Mr. Fry rightly devotes a good deal of space to the actual achievements of the League, as in Austria, and to the Labour Office and the Permanent Court which are in immediate connexion with it. We may commend also the third volume of Dr. Levermore's useful chronicle of League affairs, which is produced by the Brooklyn Eagle, and suggests that some Americans at least are concerned for the League. Dr. Levermore gives in effect a condensed account of international affairs during the year, with the text of numerous important documents that are not easily found elsewhere.