The health of King FERDINAND has been seriously affected. He
has for a considerable time back been subject to lethargic fits ; and these, it was thought, were about to terminate in apoplexy. The Carlists were on the qui vive, and had actually prepared a Ministry, the names of which were published ; but FERDINAND has shaken off his slumber that was thought to be final, and the party are again laid on their backs.
Letters from Lisbon mention as a fact above all doubt, that there is a secret treaty between MIGUEL and his uncle of Spain, the stipula- tions of which are kept profoundly secret, because they are contrary to those existing between the Peninsula and Great Britain. It may be in the recollection of some of the readers of the newspapers, that one of our contemporaries, which from its furious advocacy of MIGUEL'S government is generally looked on as being in his pay, announced some time ago, that should any fresh invasion by the Refugees take place, Spanish troops would be called in to repel it. This is said to be the object of the secret treaty; and as there is not, nor can be tracier present circumstances, any invasion, the probability seems to be that an insurrection is threatened or suspected in Portugal. Intel- ligence from the coast of Africa states that the settlement of Angola had declared in favour of Don PEDRO, and that the Governor had been shot in an attempt to put down the people.
Some of the French papers report a massacre of two thousand per- sons at Buenos Ayres. The intelligence, or rumour rather, is said to have been received at Havre. We have no means of autbluticitting or contradicting it, We do not believe it to be true.