3 OCTOBER 1829, page 14

From The London Gazettes.

Tuesday, September 29. PARTNERSHIPS Dtssot.vKns—Hudsun and Lees, Manchester, fustiammanufacturers —Holroyd and Crossley, Leeds, cloth-dressers—Williams and Co. Brecon and Celli......

London Markets.

CORN EXCHANGE, FRIDAY, OCT. 2. There has been a fair supply of Wheat this week, and the trade Is dull, particularly for the middling and ordinary sorts, although we do not......

Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

Br RTII s.—On the 22d ult. at Cheltenham, la Comtesse Guiloboni Visconti, of a son: —On the 23d ult. at Campsall Park, the Lady Radcliffe, of a son—On the 26th ult. the- Lady of......