Br RTII s.—On the 22d ult. at Cheltenham, la Comtesse Guiloboni Visconti, of a son: —On the 23d ult. at Campsall Park, the Lady Radcliffe, of a son—On the 26th ult. the- Lady of Lient.-Col. Wilson, Chelsea College, of a son—On the 27th ult. in the Clois- ters, Gloucester, the Lady Frances Bankcs, lady of the Rev. Edward Bankes, of a son— In Lower Brook-street, the Lady of Henry White, Esq. M.P. of a son—On the 29th ult. in Upper Brook-street, Lady Emily Posey, of a still-born child. MARRIAGES.—On the 236 ult. at Diugle Church, the Rev. Denis Mahony, of Dro- more, county Kerry, to Jane, third daughter of Sir John Blake, Bart. of Menio Castle, county Galway, and sister of the Right Hon. Lady Vestry—At Florence, on the 10th; ult. at his Excellency the British Ambassador's, Lieutenant-Colonel Ilyam, late Major in his Majesty's 1501, or King's, Regiment of Hussars, to Elizabeth Augusta, only sur- viving daughter of the late Sir Grenville Temple, Bart.—On the 28th ult. at Fairlight, near Hastings, the Rev. Edward Auriol, of Christchurch, Oxford, B. A. to Georgina Bar- bara, third daughter of the late Edward Morris, Esq. one of the Masters in Chancery, and grand-daughter of the late Lord Erskine—On the 28th ult. at the British Ambassa- dor's in Paris, Thomas Stapleton, Esq. of the Grove, Richmond, in the county of York, to Henrietta Lavinia, second daughter of the late Richard Fitzgerald Anater, Esq. tic
Calcutta, and niece to Sir Henry Meredith, Bart.—On 1st inst. at Milford Church, Hants, Thomas Is Merchant Saumarez, Esq. second son of Admiral Sir James Saumarez, Bart. G.C.B. &c. to Catherine Spencer Beresford, youngest daughter of the late Colonel Vas- sal!. And at the same time and place, the Rev. Edward Pering Henslowe, Chaplain to the Royal Artillery at Woolwich, to Honora Mary Georgina, eldest daughter of that much-lamented officer—On the 30th ult. at Windmill-hill, Howard Elphinstone, Esq. only eon of Sir H. Elphinstone, Bart. C.B. to Elizabeth Julia, youngest daughter of E. J. Cartels, Esq. M.P. for the county of Sussex.
DEATHS.—On the 26th ult. at Pembroke, in the nth year of her age, Miss Campbell, sister of the late Lord Cawdor—On the 20th ult. in Bath, Lieut.-Col. Lawless, of the First European Reg. on the Madras Establishment—On the 23d ult. at the Rectory- house, Devonshire-square, Bishopsgate-street, the Hon. Mrs. Edward Grey—On the 25th ult. at Viscountess Hawarden's, Sussex-place, aged ten years, Ashley, only child of Capt. the Hon. James A. Maude, Raq.—The Rev. Thomas Wickham, M.A. Vicar of Yatton, and Prebendary of Salisbury—At Greenwich,in his 88th year, Robert Robertson, M.D. F.R.S. and F.S.A.—On the 20th ult. at No. 11. Saxe Coburg-place, Edinburgh, Mary, third daughter of Colonel the Honourable John Ramsay, aged tifteen years—At Dundee. on the 12th ult. the Rev. Dr. Martin, of Monimail, in the 90th year of his age, and in the 67th year of his service as a preacher—The Rev. Edward Thomas Vaughan, Rector of Foston and Vicar of St. Martin's, Leicester, leaving a numerous family. The deceased was brother of Mr. Baron Vaughan.