3 OCTOBER 1829, Page 13


CastuarncE, OCT. 2.—Yesterday, the Rev. W. Carus, B.A. ; T. W. Peile, B.A.; C.. Perry, B.A.: and J. P. Lee, B.A. of Trinity College, were elected Fellows of that Society.. —The Rev. E. Valpy, B.D. Master of the Free Grammar School, Norwich, has re- signed that situation, which he has held since the year 1811. The Rev. T. Currie, the Rev. C. N. Cutler, the Rev. T. Kidd, the Rev. J. R. Major, the Rev. H. Bundfather,. B.D., and Mr. Abbott, B.A. have respectively offered themselves as candidates. The• right of election is vested in the Mayor and Aldermen of Norwich—The Rev. W. B.. Black, B.A. has been instituted to the Rectory of Horham, Suffolk, on the presentation of the Rev. W. Mack, of Horham—The Rev. P. Gordon, M.A. was last week instituted to the Rectory of Hackford, Norfolk, on the presentation of T. T. Gordon, Esq. or Letton—Ths Ito,. F. E. Arden was last week instituted to the Rectory of Burrough,. Norfolk, on the presentation of W. Repton, Gent. of Aylsham, uud