STOCK EXCHANGE, SATURDAY MORNING, HALF-PAST TEN O'CLOCK.—The business in our Market this week has been on a much smaller scale than it was last week, and prices have declined above a half per cent. from the ex- treme point of last Saturday. Consols for Account were then 89/, and are now only 89i to . Some of the speculators for a rise, it is believed, have been losing heart ; which may be one cause of this depression; but the chief, we apprehend, has been the weight of Money Stock, and an unusual
demand for money, which has this week been at from 3,1- to 4 per cent. ii loans on the security of Stock for short periods. The Heavy Stock is station au; but Exchequer Bills have felt the demand for money, and are lower' This demand, however, it is expected, will be relieved next week by the dividends, which will then become payable.
In the Foreign Market, there have been. considerable transactions in Brazil
-Bonds, the price of which has been forced up te'641 (or 62 ex dividend), but is now rather lower. We say forced up, because the purchases which have occasioned this rise of nearly 5 per cent. within a week or two, have been purely and entirely speculative ; and there still does not appear to be any considerable amount of the Bonds taken by the public for bona fide invest. ment. Portuguese Stock, too, has risen again to near 46 ;. but Russian is a trifle lower. All the South American Bonds are a little higher; Spanish is still neglected. HALF-PAST TWELVE.—The Consol Market is heavy at 89i to 4, but there is not much business : money still scarce. In the Foreign Market, prices are a shade lower, but there is nothing doing. There is a large failure in the sugar trade.
Bank Stock Colombian, 17 18
3 per Cent. Reduced, Ditto, 1824, 6 per Cent.
3 per Cent. Consols, 894 894 694 Danish, 3 per Cent. 694 694 34 per Cent. 1818, French 5 per Cents.
3,1 per Cent. Reduced, Ditto 3 per Cents.
New 4 per Cents. 1822, 103 1023 Greek 5 per Cent. 174 184
4 per Cents. 1826, Mexican, 6 per Cent. 184 184 Long Annuities, (which expire 5th Jan. Neapolitan,5 per Cent. 1860) Peruvian, 6 per Cent. 10 11 India Stock, div. 104 per Cent. 222 • South Sea Stock, div.34 per Cent. Prussian, India Bonds, (4 per Cent. until March, Russian, 1004 101 1829, thereafter3 per Cent.) Spanish, 8 84
Exchequer Bills, (interest 2d. per cent. SHARES.
per diem,) 68 69 Anglo-Mexican, 231. 251.
Consols for Account 894 Brazilian, Imperial, 721. 741.
FOREIGN FUNDS. Real del Monte, 651. 701.
Austrian Bonds, 5 per cent. Brazilian Bonds, 5 per cent. 61 I Buenos Ayres, 6 per Cent. 23 24 United Mexican, 121. 108. 131. 104 Portuguese, 5 per Cent. 454 464 Bolanos, 3601. 3701.
Colombian, 4/. 51.