BELLA HORRIDA BELLA !—If we may credit certain letter-writers in
Paris and certain political speculations written in London, we are on the verge of a general war. Russia it seems will demand from Turkey more important cessions than Austria can with safety permit ; therefore, Austria will go to war with Russia. Prince METTERNICH will call on Great Britain to fulfil her treaties (what treaties ?) with his master. England must, says the correspondent of the Morning Journal, be a Iiilliputia, and the Duke of WEL- LINGTON a Lilliputian, if they refuse ; and what would the bloodiest war that ever raged in Europe be to the terrible catastrophe of converting the Duke of WELLINGTON into a manikin six inches high? No sooner are Austria and England fairly yoked against Russia, than FREDERICK WILLIAM will join the latter; because —because he will. It is not possible that France should allow these powers to play the diable rt quatre, without taking her share in the game, more especially as she is particularly fond of England from past recollections and present enjoyments, and so she will strike in also. The King of Holland is well aware • of the ardent longing of France to complete the arrondissement of her ter- ritory which was so sadly marred at the peace of 1815 by the sub- traction of the Netherlands ; and go to war wi; Is whom she may, lie will join her antagonist. Here then is the whore of Europe blazing away, from Petersburg to the Pyrenees, bef.a:• you can say Jack Robinson. The party of the tag rag and bol f Christendom— Denmark, Sweden, FERDINAND the Beloved, a. AIGUEL the Ho- nest, et id genus ovine—must be left for chalice t o settle. Of course it is not to be expected that the performers in the sestett above described will allow them to reason on the subject. There is only one drawback in this arrangement, which would otherwise be most complete and satisfactory. The Duke of WELLINGTON, who has a will of his ()Wu, may refuse to join Austria (he may even turn a Lillipu- tian--tile Journal says he can do anything); and in that case Austria bill not attack Russia, Prussia will not attack Austria, France will not attack Prussia, nor Holland France ; MIGUEL will have leisure to ldck his Ministers, and FERDINAND finish the hem of the Virgin's petticoat, undisturbed by the brawling of their neighbours. Really the Duke must go out. It is quite intolerable, that no less than six ereat nations should be kept from cutting each others' throats, through his foolish and obstinate attachment to the dictates of common sense and the interests of one.