Leopold andhisQueen at Ramsgate 913 Fine Arts 931 disasters at
Madrid. There had been riots, it was said, of the po- Advert'sments 953-956 pulace, and desertion bv the military : General ALAVA had declined — to enter the Cabinet of MENDIZ.%BAL; and, worst of all. MEN- N E WS OF TI-IE WEEK. DIZABAL himself was completely done up by sickness. It turns out that there have been no riots and no desertion. In the capital THE Tories have completely thrown off the mask of Reform which, and in the provinces there is a disposition to rely on the good inten- at the command of their discarded leader, Sir ROBERT PEEL, they
tions of the new Ministry; and assurances of fidelity and attach- assumed at the last election for the most unworthy purposes. ment have been transmitted from the local authorities of many of t
There have been meetings of Conservative Associations in various the principal cities and districts. General ALAVA was not sulky, parts of the country during the week, and rank Toryism has been but agreed to take the Secretaryship of Foreign Affairs, while he the staple of the speeches which the magnates of the party have very properly advised that M13NDIZABAL, the virtual, should delivered. It is not a little amusing to observe the alteration become the ostensible and responsible Premier. Finally, MEN- which has taken place in the tone of the Conformers. Church DIZABAL himself is in sound health and spirits—to the great and King politics are again the order of the day, and bitter are mortification of M. RATNEVAL, the French Doctrinaire Ambas- the sneers against the men who have "tinkered" the constitution. sailor, and of all the Carlists in Spain, France, and England.
Such is the phrase now employed in reference to the change ef- Several popular appointments to the Governorships of Provinces
fected by the Reform Act. bad been made by MENDIZABAL. Among them are the fo-- QIIIROGA is to be Captain-General of Grenada.
Extremadura.and hoW they promised their constituents they would vote? and The Carlists seem to have made no resistance to the union of . the Conformers will be called upon to explain how it happened the armies•of CORDOVA and ESPELETA, subsequently to the battle that their politics underwent so marked a revulsion. to; Toryism of the 11th instant, at Arrigorreaga, mentioned in the last Spec- when the Duke and PEEL were driven from office. It will puzzle later ; for the junction took place on the 20th September, the the wittiest and the wisest of the party to give satisfactory an- the British legion keeping the Carlist forces at bay. As yet the