3 OCTOBER 1835, page 7

Lord .mitigrave Met With A Triumphant Reception From The...

of Derry. He entered time city on the 25th ultimo, escorted by a troop of dragoons, and was received by Lord Garvagh, the Lord-Lieutenant of the county, by the Mayor and......

The Dublin Tories Must Wish Themselves Well Out Of The

affair of the Election Commission. Their tools have "split;" and the result is the discovery of a base plot to suborn some needy wretches to brings false charge of bribery......


On Wednesday week, the day after the dinner, at Glasgow, Mr. O'Connell repaired to the Baptist chapel to receive a complimentary address from the Negro Emancipation Society.......

The Dublin Packet Contains A Long Letter From The Reverend

Mr. W. B. Surrey, Rector of Borrishoole, giving an account of a brutal outrage committed on the steward of the Reverend Mr. Stoney, of Newport, in Mayo, on the 16th ultimo, at......

At A Meeting Of The United Parishes Of Kileolman And

Robin, in time county of Mayo, the following resolutions, directed against the landlords who have made themselves responsible for tithes, were adopted- " 'Dint we have heard......