The Revising Barristers continued their labours on Saturday. Mr.
Tandy!' decided that the vote of 'Mr. ofCharterhouse Square, was good, because, although he was not rated, he paid an increased rent to his landlord in consideration of the latter paying his rates and taxes. A notice to Mr. John Horsely Palmer was withdrawn ; and Mr. Roweroft complained of that and several other merely vexatious objections by the Liberals; but Mr. Trott reminded lir. Rowerofr, that he had himself objected to twenty-nine voters in St. Sepulchre's, whose names were taken en masse from the letters B and M, and that he had only substantiated one of these twenty-nine objections, which were clearly vexatious ones. Mr. Craig decided that the claim of Mr. Charles Francis Adey to vote as a " principal and ancient" of Barnard's Inn, was bad. He did riot think that Mr. .Adey was an occapant according to the meaning of the Act. The claims of eight other per-
sons were involved in this decision.
[Mr. Adey subsequently gave Mr. Craig notice that he should pro- ceed against him under the Act for this decision, which he maintained to be illegal ; Mr. Roweroft disavowed all participation with Mr.
Adey.1 No cases of peculiar interest or importance came before the MaTis.• ters on Monday. On Tuesday, Mr. Tamlyn disallowed the claim of Mr. Sheiiif Salo- mons, and of all those who had !mot admitted to their freeffian since
the 1st of March 11,:31.
On Wednesday, the claim of a Mr. Everett was objected to on the ground of his being an alien. Mr. Everett said that his gramllather was a British subject, horn in England, but domiciled in America; his father was a citizen of the United States, and he himself was born in America. Yet it was contended that he was not an alien. Judg- ment on this 'mint was postponed. Mr. Henry Hatfield claimed to be registered as the occupant of a yard. Mr. Craig allowed the claim, as the yard contained an out-house and stable, and the parish would be entitled to distrain for rates whatever might be found in that yard.
Messrs. Merivide and Knapman commenced their duties as Revising Barristers for the Tower Hamlets, on Monday ; but on that day no points of importance were decided. The number of claimants in the borough is very great ; but the objections do not seem to be numerous. In the parish of St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, there arc two thousand eight hundred registered voters, being an increase of six hundred over the numbers of last year. On Wednesday, Mr. Merivale decided against the claims of lodgers to vote; the term "any other building," could not be said to include them ; a lodger was an inmate only, not an occupier.
The Lambeth borough lists have been undergoing revision this week by Messrs. Knox and Lennartl ; but nothing that requires to be espe- cially reported in this suamiary has occurred.