The progress of the registration in the ceuntry proves the
zeal and activity of both Liberals and Tcries. We continue our selections
from the provincial journals, with some hiliirmation derived from pri- vate sources, relative to the proceedings in the Revising Barristers' Courts.
At the last election for the county of Warwick, Pirmingham fur- nished 600 Liberal votes against WO 'Tory; and 750 new Liberal votes have been added to the register for Virmineham alone—tie Tories Laving placed only 200 on the Overseers' lists. The final result of time registration is not yet ascertained ; but we know that there will be no lack of exertion on the part of the Reformers to establish their claims.
We mentioned last week that 2003 Tory objections had fallen to the ground in the East Riding of York, owing to defective service. It appears that in the West Riding the strength of parties will not be much altered by the registration : the Liberals will retain their large majority.
The result of the Hull registration is a gain to the Reformers of 200 votes. This, says the Hull Advertiser, with the change in the cor- poration, annihilates the prospects of Toryism in Hull.
The: York registration closed on Tuesday. The Liberals struck off 174 Tory votes, the Tories only 38-Liberals.
The total number of voters on the register for Todmorden and Walsden, as now revised, is 155, of whom 128 are known Reformers,
30 Tories, and 7 doubtful. Whenever an election occurs, five Reformers for one Tory will be polled in the above townships, pro- vided that liberal, upright, and independent candidates arc brought forward.—Manabester Times.
The registration in Rochdale, both for the borough and for South Lancashire, has been greatly in favour of the Reformers.
The Western Times gives a favourable report of the Devonshire re- gistration: from Worcestershire and Northamptonshire similar ac-
counts have been received. In Worcester city the voters of five parishes have been disfranchised, owing to mistakes of the Overseers. Up- wards of 170 votes given to the Tory candidate'at the last election were struck off the list.
Ashburton Las been fought severely before the Revising Barristers. The present Barristers have reversed many of the decisions of those who preceded them, and have required the Reform Bill to be pursued with a strictness before unheard of in that borough. Mere technical objections have been fatal to many of the Conservatives, who have lost many of those claims they expected to establish.— Western Lumi- nary.
Notice of action for the recovery of the penalty of 5001. under the Reform Act, has been served upon the Churchwarden of one of the largest parishes in Bristol, he not having posted the list of voters on the church-doors in due time. His default, however, we understand, was entirely accidental, and not arising from wilful negligence,-to which only the fine attaches.—Bristol Journal.
The Tory objector at Devonport, Mr. John Beer, the secretary and man-of-all-work for Mr. Dawson at the late election, has been signally defeated before the Revising Barristers for that Borough, by not having stated his residence in his notices of objection, whereby eighty. four votes have been at once allowed on the Liberal side. The Liberals in this borough seem to rely with confidence on their own strength, as they have not made a single objection to the Conservatives. The con- stituency of Devonport has now increased to 2086 votes, being 141 more than at the last registration.
The Essex Barristers decided at Billericay, that two separate hold- ings under different landlords, neither amounting, though both did, to 501. rent, could not confer the right of voting In Rochford Hundred the Reformers succeeded in nearly all their objections. The Reverend Thomas Clark was struck off as non-resident, he having been absent on the Continent more than a year. Mr. Espinasse also decided that in a case where W. worth of a 70/. a year lease was underlet, the claim was good, being plus the amount (50/.) required by the Act. The majority in Rochford Hundred of the objected cases was sixty- one in favour of the Reformers, and in Chelmsford Hundred fifty-two.
The Lord Mayor Winchester has lost his right of voting for the county of Kent, in consequence of a misdescription of the property on which he rested his claim.
Mr. Edward Plummer, of Canterbury, has served a writ for the recovery of 300. upon Mr. Hutchinson, a Tory, for bribery at the late election.