Arrived—At troywenro Sept. nth, Eleanor, I lavelock. from Ceylon ; 31th, Din vegan Castle. Howard. from Bengal; Vestula, Christian, from the Cape; Addiaglitte Sedgewiek; and Lady Gordon. Harmer. from Mauritius. At Dead Oct. 1st. GlIbett Munro, Deft, from Macrae. At Cain% Sept.29th, King William, Stewart, from Batavia;
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1 u the Clyde, 23,1.0entoa. Black, from Bengal; and Osprey, Salmon. from Bombay. At St. Helena. Waddington. Crosby, trona Loudon. At the Cape, July 20th. Cape Breton. Maxwell, from Liverpool; and 22,1, Mary and Jane, Winter, from Mauritius. At Ceylon. Victory. Bitten. from London. At Batavia. June 1st, Watkins, Whiteside; and 10th. Fanny. Auden:oil, from Liverpol. At Van Dienten's Land, May 14th. Spence, Coolie, from Loudon. At New South Wales, Mediterranean Packet, fr. of Liverpool.
Sailed—Front Gravesend, Sept. 29th„ Governer Harcourt. Douglas. far New South Wales. Oct. 1st, Boadicea, Venus, for Van Diemen's Laud ; Sir C. Malcolm, Lyor, for Ceylon ; and Cognac Packet, Spittail. for Ma mritius. From Liverpool—Sept. V. Chaplain, Ritchie. from China ; and Ellen, Keup, for New South Wales ; and Oct. 1st, Thomas Lowry, Bully, for Batavia.