A considerable change has taken place in the Money Market since our last, and the firm appearance which it has for come time exhibited has been converted into one of a very 11a:rent description. The quantity of Routing stuck is larger than it has bean for a very long period; and this circumstance, together with the demani for money conanuent upon the usual payment of the revenue into the Exchecpwr, has oeeasioncd a great pressure for money. In the early part of the week, the difficulty was thither augmented by the necessity of providing for the repayment, on the 2d instant, of the advances made by the Bank of England. A notice has. however, appeared from the Directors, by which the day of repayment may ha pro:tinned, at the opt:ott of the bor- rower. to tit, 20th iastaot. The investments a the surplus portions a the West Indian Indemnity Lo n Itava been e..ntiatied ou two :lays in the nurrent week ; but the market is still bear v, twithstauding all these delps. Rumours or a deelaratiou in favour of Don Casters by the Monarelis assembled at Toplitz, as I of the secession of the of the French 'r.) n the Qua trap.' Alliance, may be cited as among the alleged eau e•I :I the decline :441t, in: rket. In the Foreign Mitrsel, the Spanis't Bonds have been wextaken by one of thesis panics to witi a, tlrtse cecttrit'es, or rather ter, I olders of them, are so liable. Tit Times of y stcrilay pnblishe tanp 1st up .n the is 1 tical state :.f Spain, sai I to hi' b en furnished by the Fret ch Ambassador to Is Govert m nt, in which all the evils that have befallen Spain !dr t le last C.ree weeks, wore stated as new oc_urrences, and 8 ver Cent. Consols
901 1
the general tenor of the dozumeit x as calculated t ) produce the belief that a condition Of things little short of anarchy existed in the Peninsula. The effect of this docu• =rut was to produce a full of nearly 5 per cent. iu the price of the Stock ; which has today rallied about 2 per cent. upon the receipt of intelligence from Madrid to the 45th Instant—two days later than the date of the French Ambassador's communication—at which period the capital was tranquil, and the formation of the Ministry nearly con. pleted. The European Continental Securities have shared in the decline of the Consol Market. and are heavier than usual ; but the transactions in them have not been extet sive. The South American Bonds are nearly at our last prices, without any business having been transacted in them to re guile remark. The Railroad Shares still continue in lemaud; those of the London and Birmingham am 47 to .50 pm. Great Western are at our Lot prices. These Shares are the only ones at present current, as all the Mining speculations are neglected.
The Consul Market has improved 1 per cent.; is now 901 1 for Money, and 901 1. In the Foreign Market, the Spanish Bonds seem recovering from the effects of the recent panic, and have improved slightly upon the closing prices of last evening. Corks Bonds have been as high as 421, since 421, and are now 421; but the transac• lions of the morning either in Foreign or English have been quite unimportant. The Railway Shares are nominally lower than yesterday—LondonlandBirraingliam are 46 to 48 ; and Great Western 5 to 6, SATURDAY, FOUR O'CLOCK.
The Consol Market closes firmer than at the opening. An Improvement of 1 per emit. in the price of stock fur the November Account has occurred, in consequence of a Ipeculative purchase for that time; the price for the Current Account, however, has continued the same, viz. 901 j; while that for November is 911 1. Spanish Stock has been at 434; but has since receded,aud is now 43.
901 1
Ditto for Account
901 4
New 31 per Cent. Annuities
981 4
Bank Stock...
Exchequer Bills 13 15 Omninin —
Belgian 5 par Cents 1011 24
Brazilian 5 per Cents. ex. die 841 51 Danish 3 per Cents. 761 Dutch 21 per Cents 541
French 3 per Cents
Greek, 1825.5 per Cents —
Mexican 6 per Cents. 364 it
Portuguese 3 per Cents 571 1 Do. Regency 5 per Cent 871 8
Russian, 1822, 5 per Cent.. 106/ 71
Spanish. 1821. 5 iwr Cent.. 42„ Is Ditto New Scrip 5 Cent. ..
181 18 dis