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• At the sale of the library of the Reverend J. Brand (for many years Secretary to the Society of Antiquaries, and the author of the history of Newcastle, at) Stewart's Rooms, in Piccadilly, Dr. Gossett was exa- mining a copy of a Latin Dictionary, in three volumes, folio, which he wished to purchase. During his examination, he found two leaves fastened together in such a way to give him some trouble to separate them, when he discovered carefully enclosed a bank-note of 501. and a portrait of " Margaret Smith, widow of Sir Thomas Carye." The doctor in. stantly eommurieated the intelligence to Mr Stewart ; and after the dictionary was sold, the particulars were made known in the sale-room, and the print was put up for sale. Caulfield, the printseller, bid as far as 241. 10s., and a Mr. Lloyd became the purchaser at 2.5 guineas. Mr. Brand's executors insisted on presenting Dr. Gossett with the book, which was bought for that purpose by Mr. Stewart at seven