The Times is relaxing in its abuse of O'CONNELL. This
morning it only dedicates about three of its columns to that purpose ; but, by way of compensation to its Orange patrons, the late Leading Journal delivers a homily on the subject of the Bible Festival, somewhat after the fashion of the Standard, but deficient in the semblance of religious fervour which that journal assumes with such skill and success. The preachment of the Times is, indeed, a poor and flat affair. There is art evident want of practice in the style of writin; suitable to the subject. With respect to the celebration itself, no reasonable being can object to it, apart from the political purpose it is intended to serve. That it is to be used, if it were not originally intended, to promote the de- signs of the disloyal and factious opponents of the King's Government and of the Princess VICTORIA'S right of succession to the throne, is evident from the extreme eagerness which the Orange Clubs have evinced to beat the " drum ecclesiastic" on the occasion. No doubt the Orange parsons will dwell to-morrow on the necessity of having a Head of the Church on whom the Church can deprn I—o. e who would protect the Protestants, and not, like a certain Monarch, support Minis- ters who are leagued with DANIEL O'CONNELL and Popery. Yet, alas! in case the Dutehess of KENT should ever be required to un- dertake the office of Regent, there is too much cause to apprehend that her Royal Highness would, like WILLIAM the Fourth, select such Atinisters as the National Representatives approve of. She might even call open Lord DURHAM to take his seat tit her Council-board. And what can be expected from the Princess, educated with such no. tions of the British Constitution ? Horror of horrors ! how shall the Orangemen and their Grand Master avert the threatened calamity ?