Besides his criticisms, Sir M. Hicks-Beach made two im- portant
statements. He said the " Roumelian Revolution, as it at present stands in our estimation, is not a matter in which this country is specially conoerned beyond any other of the signatory Powers." The Government would therefore attempt, in concert with the rest of Europe, to "confine the area of dis- turbance," and secure peace. That means, of course, that Lord Salisbury has decided not to fight for Turkey, and to vote in Conference for the autonomy of the Balkan States. He also said :—" We are asked sometimes what is our prograinme. Well, I quite admit that we are not prepared with sensational promises. We, perhaps, are not even prepared to put anything before the electors out of which political capital can be made." We have commented on this statement elsewhere. The Tories have no programme ; and Lord Salisbury, through a Press Association, denied formally on Tuesday that he intended to house ewe.