Besides His Criticisms, Sir M. Hicks-beach Made Two Im-...
statements. He said the " Roumelian Revolution, as it at present stands in our estimation, is not a matter in which this country is specially conoerned beyond any other of the......
Mr. J. Morley Is Always Effective ; And On Tuesday,
at Cam- bridge, he was more effective than usual. He laughed at the Tory policy of " inquiry " into everything, asked if the country had not a right to answers, instead of......
Nemesis Follows Mr. Chamberlain With No Lagging Foot. A...
rumour is afloat, and he is already suspect. The evil ones declare that he wishes to buy Airthrie Castle, a lovely place in Stirlingshire. He is even credited with an intention......
Mr. Chamberlain On Thursday, Ia A Speech To The National
Confederation, which even for _him is singularly able and vigorous, recapitulated his well-known proposals. He is, however, minimising one of them. He says he supposes that in......
Lord Cranborne Is Labouring Hard To Win The Suffrages Of
the electors of the Damen division of Lancashire. He not only stamps the towns, but makes speeches to rough audiences in remote places, and some of his hearers occasionally give......
Mr. Morley Wants This Parliament To Act, And Entirely Agrees
with Mr. Chamberlain in refusing to enter a Cabinet in which his proposals about the land might not be pressed. We do not, however, understand him to endorse the particular pro-......
Lord Rosebery's Speech At Reigate On Tuesday Was In The
main an emphasized statement that the Liberal leaders accepted Mr. Gladstone's Manifesto, and intended to walk under his umbrella ; but it contained some felicitous sentences.......
Sir Michael Hicks-beach On Wednesday Made An Amusing And, In
its way, able speech at Salisbury. He declared that the Tory possession of power was a real possession, and that they intended to use it ; and affirmed that when the Liberals......