BOOEs RV:MED.—Tales for Latin Composition, by G. H. Wells, M.A.
(Bell and Sons.)—French Course, arranged for the second year, by A. J. Duboarg, an addition to the "Educational Series" issued by Messrs. W. and R. Chambers.—Prench Primary Reader, with notes intended for children, by Juliette Leriohe ; and a new edition of Syllabaire Regimbeau (Hachette).—Revision Reasons ; I. "The Penta- teuch," by the Rev. C. G. K. Gillespie (Heywood).—Grimm's Kinder- send Hausma.rchen, with notes and vocabularies by G. E. Fasnacht ; Fables de la Fontaine, selected by L. M. Moriarty, B.A., additions to the "Illustrated Primary Series" issued by Messrs. Macmillan and Co.—Eton Latin. Grammar, Part I., "Elementary ;" and Exercises adapted to the same, by A. C. Ainger, M.A., and H. G. Wintle, M.A. (John Murray.)—Philip's Handy Atlas of the Counties of England, a new and revised edition, including maps of North and South Wales, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man, reduced from the Ordnance Survey, and coloured to show the new Parliamentary divisions accord- ing to the Redistribution Bill (Philip and Son).—An English edition of M. Paul Bert's First Year of Scientific Knowledge, translated by Madame Bert (Hello Brothers).—A. series of Every-Day Fables, written and depicted by R. Andr6 (S.P.C.K.). They are capitally illustrated, and will interest and amuse young people.—The Canter- bury Poets, a series of handy-sized volumes, containing selections from the works of well-known authors, clearly printed and well bound (W. Scott).—Volame X. of the tenth Census of the United States, containing the "Special Reports on Petroleum, Coke, and Building Stones," by S. F. Peckham and J. D. Weeks (Washington Government Printing Office).