3 OCTOBER 1885, Page 24


Adams (W. H. I).), Egypt, Past and Present, cr 8vo (Nelson) 3/6

Adams (W. H. D.), "In Perils Oft." cr 8vo (J. Hogg) WO

Bailey (J.), A Physician's Pharmaeopceia, Cr 8vo (Churchill) 3/6

Ballantyne (R. M.), The Rover 0 the Andes, or 8vo (Nisbet) 5/0

Barclay (R.), The Silver and Gold Question, Cr 8vo (E. Wilson) 3/0 Beale (A..), The Pennant Family, or Svc, (Hodder & Stoughton) 5/0 Bellew (H. W.), History of Cholera in India, 8vo (TrObner & Co.) 42/0 Bettany (G. T.), Eminent Doctors, 2 yols. or 8vo J Hogg 21/0 Bible Flowers and Flower Lore, 12mo (Hodder & Stoughton) 1/6

Buys' and Girls' Treasury of Natural History, &c. 7 vols. (J. Hogg) 17/6

Brackenbury (G. H.), The Advance of the River Column (W. Blackwood) 7/6 Calverley (C. S.), Literary Remains of, cr 8vo (Bell) 10/6 Children of Africa, small 4to (Hodder) 5/0 Codrington (EL H.). The Melanesian Language, 8vo (Oxford Univ. Pressi 18/0 Collingwood (lid, The Voyage of the Aurora, 16mo (S. Low & Co. 6/0

Cozen (E.), One Thing at a Time, &c., or 8vo (J. Hogg 216

Craddock (C. E.), Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains (Chatto & Windns) 270 Craik (G. M.), Twelve Old Friends, 8vo (Sonnenschein) 5/0 Delbos (L.), The Student's French Reader, Mitt Year (Williams & Norgates We Dicey (A. V.), Leelures on the Law of Constitution, 8yo (Macmillan) 12/0 Elliot (F.), Diary.bf an Idle Woman in Slinks, 2 vols. I2mo (Simpkin) 2/0

Every Cloud has its Silver Lining, &o. (S. Hogg) 2/6

Farrar (F.), Pulpit Commentary, 2 Corinthians and Galatians _(1 K. Paul) 21/0 Fothergill (J. M.), Diseases of Advanced Life, 8vo (Boilliere) 7/6 Friends and Foes from Fairyland, or aro (Longman) 01) Guide to the Perplexed of Maimonides, al. Friedlander (Trilbner & Co.) 31/6 Harrison (3. E.), Introductory Stadies in Greek Art, 16mo (Unwin) 7/6 Harte (W.), Popular Tales of Childhood, 4to (Dean & Bon) 2/0 Hawthorne (N.), Works, 12 vols. in 6, 12mo (Simpkiu & Co.) 21/0 Heiberg (J.), Atlas of Cutaneous Nerves, tiro (Itailliere) 4/6 Hope (A.), Anchor Library, 6 vols., case... (J. Hogg) 2110 Hope (A. R.), Young Days of Authors, or 8vo (J. Hogg) 3/6 Hugo (V.). Selections from Poems, 12mo ,(Bell) 3/6 Ireland (W. W.), The Blot upon the Brain, 8vo (Simpkin & Co.) 10/6

James (P.), Guide to the New Pharmacopoeia, 8vo (Churchill) 2f6

John Haile, a Story of a Successful Failure, 3 vols. or 8vo (S. Low & Co.) 31/6 Kunhardt (C. PO, Small Yachts and their Constrution, folio (S. Low & Co.) 35/0 Lavender (F. W.), Questions on the English Language, 12mo (Lewis) 2/6 Livy, Books 23 and 24, Edited by G. C. Macaulay, 12mo (Macmillan) 5/0

Lord (F. and E.), Mother's Songs, Games, &c., 8vo (Rice) 71,6

Mackay (0.), The Founders of the American Republic, cr8vo (W. Blackwood) 10/6 Mackenzie (C. W.), The Uncrowned Prince in Israel, cr 8vo (Nisbet) 2/6 Marshal (E.), Cassandra's Casket, cr 8vo (Nisbet) 5/0 Mellor (B.), Footsteps of Heroes, or 8vo (Hodder & Stonghton) 3/6 Moffat (R. and hf.), Life of,8vo (T. F. Unwin) 18/6 Moliere'e Dramatic Works, by H. Van Lams, 6 vols.. or 8vo (Simpkin) 45/0 Montague (I.), Useful to All, 410 (Dean & Son) 2/0 Morgan (C. L.), The Springs of Conduct, or 8vo (C. K. Paul) 7/6 Mott (E. H.), Pike Country Folk, cr 8vo (Maxwell) 2/0 Newton (R. H.), Philistinism, cr 8vo J. Clarke) 3/6 Norris (W. B.), Adrian Vidal, 3 vols. or 8vo (Smith & Elder) 31/6 Pattisoa (M.), Sermons, or 8vo (Macmillan) 6/0 Pearls of English Poetry (four cards) (Conine) 2/0 Pictures of St. Paul, drawn in English Homes, or 8vo (Gall & loess) 5/0 P. Tereuti Andria, notes by C. E. Freeman is A. Sloman...(Oxf. Univ. Press) 3/0

Redford (R. A.), Four Centuries of Silence, or 8vo (Nisbet) 6/0 Saintsbnry (G ), Sainte Heave, Causeries aux Lundi, 12mo (Oxford Univ. Press) 2/0

Sweet (ti.), Extracts from Alfred's °resit's, 12nso (Oxford Univ. Press) 1/6 Sweet (H.), Selected Homilies of Allfric, 12mo (Oxford Univ. Press) 1/6 Wallace (R.), Live Farm Stock of Great Britain, or 8vo (Simpkin) 7/6 Wing (a. S.), Yule Mecum of Various Military Principles, &e., 12mo (Clowes) 3/0 Winkler (C.), Handbook of Technical Gas Analysis, 8vo (Van Voorst) 7/0