The Aldermen of the City of London, By the Rev. Alfred B. Beaven. (Eden Fisher and Co. 21s. net.)—This volume is published "under the direction of the Library Committee of the Corporation of London.' Mr. Beaven, who acknowledges in his preface various civilities, and one or two incivilities, on the part of officers of the City Companies, gives us in his first part a list of the Aldermen who have represented the various wards of the City. He begins, to give an instance, with Aldersgate Ward. Here the first name is "John de Blakethorn, Goldsmith," who is noted as having acted on September 4th, 1278. Three others are recorded in the thirteenth century; in the fourteenth, up to 1377, six. In 1377 the Aldermen were elected annually ; but the system came to an end in 1394. In the fifteenth are twelve. Now and then it is noted that an Alderman removes to another ward. In 1536 Richard Baxter is discharged for insufficiency. of estate. In 1625 Walter Pritchard is nominated March 22nd, sworn March 26th, and discharged March 31st, with a fine of £600, reduced to £500; George Chetham holds office for six days and is fined £600; Robert Palmer for eleven and fined £500; John Woodward is sworn and discharged on the same day (May 10th) and fined £800. What was it all about ? The last on the list is Sir Joseph Renals, but in the " Additions during Printing" we find that he died November 1st, 1907, and was suc- ceeded by Charles Johnston, Innholder. In a supplemental list we have the names of some earlier Aldermen, going back as far as 1221. Further on we have a list of "Fathers of the City." There are also lists of Aldermen who have received knighthoods or baronetcies, who have sat in Parliament, &c.