Iqsw Editionb. — A History Of The Holy Eucharist In Great...
By T. E. Bridg-ett. With Notes by H. Thurston, S.J. (T. Fisher Unwin, and Burns and Oates. 21s. net.)—Sketches of Jewish Social Life in the Days of Christ. By the Rev. Dr.......
By Faith Alone. By Rene Basin. (ereleigh Nash. 6s.)—this...
is not construeted.on the usual lines. The conclusion will seem to-many readers somewhat lame and impotent. The farm- servant comes back at -fifty to- the place which he......
Wanderings In Piccadilly, Mayfair, And Pall Mall. By E....
Chancellor. (Alston Rivers. 2s. 6d. net.) —Dr. -Johnson thought that Charing Cross was the centre of the universe; Mr. Chancellor puts it somewhat more to the north- west. But......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading us notice such Books of the week as have not been .reserved for review in other forms.] F.C.G.'s Froissart's Modern Chronicles, 1903 - 1906. Told and......
The King's General In The West : The Life Of
Sir Richard Granville. By the Rev. Roger Granville. (John Lane. 10.s. 6d. net.)—Sir Richard Granville was the unworthy descendant of the famous "Sir Richard of the 'Revenge.'"......
Readable Novels.— Arnoul The Englishman. By Francis...
6s.)—A romantic story of the Middle Ages of more than average merit. Arnoul is an English student in Paris in the days of Louis IX., and takes a part in strifes between the......
Two Handbooks Which Should Be Very Useful To- Travellers May
bo mentioned together. One is The Contour Road Book of Ireland, with Special Surveys by R. G. Inglis (Gall and Inglis, 2s. net). The cyclist will find here what sort of a......
The Oxford English Dictionary (clarendon Press) Has For...
instalment a portion of Vol. VIII., " Reserve — Ribaldously," Edited by W. A. Craigie, LL.D. (double section, 5s.) The section consists almost entirely of adopted words. Among......
Bulbs And Their Cultivation. By T. W. Sanders. (w. H.
and L. Collingridge. 2s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Sanders divides his treatise into two parts. In the first he deals with hardy, or outdoor, bulbs; in the second with indoor bulbs, the......