Wanderings in Piccadilly, Mayfair, and Pall Mall. By E. Beresford
Chancellor. (Alston Rivers. 2s. 6d. net.) —Dr. -Johnson thought that Charing Cross was the centre of the universe; Mr. Chancellor puts it somewhat more to the north- west. But the region that he suggests is too large. It reaches From Buckingham Palanate.E0xford: Street, from Bond Street to Park Lane. If you must name one spot, Dr. Johnson was right. -" Stewart's " seems to be Mr. Cliancellbr's definite suggestion. But what is." Stewart's" ? What proportion of our readers can _.answer, we wonder ? HOwever this may be, there is no lack of interest, pas/rand present, in the district about which our author -discourses. Piccadilly is 'notorious for its " ghosts " ; and St. -James's Stmet, Park Lane, Grosvenor Square, Pall Mall, _Albemarle Street, to. name a. few places. at random, have an
abundant population of the same kind. This little volume, which is judiciously illustrated, makes good reading, the better the more the reader knows of the English literature of the last two centuries. We venture to correct one quotation of Mr. Chan- cellor's. "From Marlborough's eyes the streams of dotage [not tears'] flow," is Johnson's line.