3 OCTOBER 1908, Page 15


WE deal elsewhere with the Bulgarian situation, and will only say here that the telegrams in Friday's papers incline us to the belief that the railway question will be settled without recourse to arms. It is said that at the French Ministerial Council on Thursday, M. Pichon, the Foreign Minister, announced that the Russian Government had addressed a Memorandum to the Powers who were parties to the Treaty of Berlin, and had proposed that the question of the Oriental railways, as raised by Bulgaria, should be submitted to these signatory Powers. The Council decided that France should give her adhesion to the Note. The Times correspondent at Vienna states, we regret to say, that Austria- Hungary is not disposed to welcome the Russian suggestion. Meantime the question of the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is more and more occupying public attention in Austria. In some quarters it is declared that annexation has practically been decided upon, and will be proclaimed before the end of the year. As friends of Austria, we can only express the hope that her statesmen realise the very grave responsibility that rests upon them at the presen moment.