The Atingarian Minister of the Interior has stated that the
long-expected Hungarian Franchise Reform Bill will be based On plural voting. The Vienna correspondent of the TiMea states that its general effect will be to give one vote to every tea electors unable to read and write; one vote to every elector able to read and Write ; two votes to electors having passed four standards of a secondary School, or assessed at 20 kronen (16s. 8d.) direct taxation, or employing a man-servant, or having at least three children ; three votes to all electors having passed all standards of a secondary school, or assessed at 100 kronen (E4 3s. 4d.) and upwards of direct taxation. The result would be to strengthen the Magyar domination. The representation of the German elements would also be increased, but that of the Slovaks would be reduced and that of the Rtimanes and non-Magyar races almost destroyed. We do not deny that the Magyars have material and intellectual rights beyond others, but this is a very different matter from repressing the elements which they fear.