[To THE E NT° I t or THE "SP ROTATOR.'] SIR,—Your correspondents—e.g.," Public Librarian" (Spectator, September 261h)—seem to me to- give a false impression of the cost of the admirable "new one-inch" Ordnance map. It is not in the least necessary to get a mounted sheet, and the cost, if you do, is ls. 6d., not 2s. 6d. The " colour-printed " edition, folded in cover, costs only is. a sheet, andis so well folded that it will stand a great deal of pocket-wear without injury. For walking or cycling it has, in my opinion,' no equal, and I have used many sheets. It is true that local dealers do not as a rule keep it, but any sheet can be got by return of post from Mr. Stanford in Long Acre, and the mention of a town is enough, as a rule, without the sheet number. It is better•, of course, to have by one Mr: Stanford's excellent list, which is clearness itself.—I am, Sir, &c.,