The Star of Tuesday recalled the prophecies of Mr. Josiah
Wedgwood, M.P., about the effects of a European war, which it published in 1911. Among the predictions were these : a rise in the Bank Rate to almost any figure; a run on the banks; all payments will be made in depreciated paper, even if a general moratorium is not declared and all banks closed; throughout the industrial "quadrilateral" there will be bloody bread riots in a fortnight ; the workmen will wander into the country murdering the farmers and eating the beasts; the railways and posts will gradually cease to run, and " that means absolutely anarchy "; if the wealthy do not fly the country they will probably get killed. Mr. Wedgwood con- cluded: " If my argument is in any way sound, it is obvious that our number of Dreadnoughts is a matter of little importance." The argument was, indeed, in every way unsound. But we heartily admire the gallantry with which Mr. Wedgwood is now trying to make his argument even more unsound by going on active service as a Lieutenant- Commander R.N., and we venture to congratulate him upon it. Cassandra as a bluejacket at the front is in a fair way to give up prophecy for ever.