The Truth.
[To THE EDITOR OP TIER "SPECTATOR."] Sra,—The following elegant extract is taken from last week's Labour Leader :- "•CRUCIFY HI11f2—Says the Church Times: 'If Mr. Ramsay......
The White Paper.
L TO nit EDITOR or 1111 " SPICTATOL.1 Sie,—A thousand thanks for the stern and faithful article dealing with Messrs. MacDonald and Co. It will scotch their efforts, though I......
America And The War.
[TO TEl EDITOR OP THR " Spwriroa."1 SIR, —Too much importance must not be attached to the in- discretion of the Irish-American Mayor of Boston in lending the historic Faneuil......
Keeping Employment Steady.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR. " ] SIR,—No more useful service can be rendered the country at the present time than the maintenance of employment. It is generally admitted......
The Duke Of Wellington On German Soldiers.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. " ] SIR, —By many the ruthless manner in which war is being waged by the German armies is attributed to a moral degeneracy brought about by the......
An Appeal For Paris.
[To TIM EDITOR OP TEM "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—At the outset of the war, when those who were not already away en vacances made haste to quit the city, the two English chaplains......