[To THE EDITOR Or T111 " SPzorrroa.") Sis,—Although at present there is happily less unemployment than was feared in the first days of the war, it may not be amiss to point out one kind of work highly important to the nation, but constantly overlooked, where the demand exceeds the supply. I allude to farm work. It has been shown that town lads prove most adaptable to this work. The Boys' Country Work Society, 7 John Street, Adelphi, W.C., will be glad to place in situations on farms any healthy lads of fourteen to sixteen with good characters who cannot find employment in town. Farm work is permanent, and the lads " live in," and are under the supervision of Country Visitors.
The Society has placed over a thousand boys since it began operations in 1906. About a third have settled on the land (either at home or in the Colonies), a third have returned to London, and a third have been absorbed by the Army, Navy, and various country occupations. Of the third who returned to London, benefited in physique and character, a fair proportion have joined the Army. This summer there were some three hundred and fifty boys under supervision. Of these thirty have recently enlisted. Most of these would not have been accepted for the Army had they stayed in London. When it is borne in mind that the ages of the before-mentioned three hundred and fifty boys range from fourteen to nineteen, the proportion is good. This letter is not written to appeal for funds, but to point out an opportunity of employment for town lads who have difficulty in finding work.— I am, Sir, &c., FORTZSCIII,
7 John Street, Adelphi, W.C.