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The War Lord. By J. M. Kennedy. (F. and C. Palmer. 7d. net.)—This handy and interesting collection of brief extracts from the speeches, letters, and telegrams of the German Emperor would be more valuable if references had, been given. We should like to know, for instance, just when it was that the Kaiser wrote : " The British troops have filled me with the greatest admiration. If the possibility of a volunteer army is ever doubted, I shall be able to give such an army a testimony of efficiency." Presumably this was written after the Peking Expedition. To-day the Kaiser has even better ground for such a testimonial, but we doubt whether he would word it so courteously.—Bloodshed (Barter's Hand- books, 3d.) is an anonymous comparison between the Kaiser and Caligula, largely based on the well-known pamphlet by Professor Quidde, of Munich.