Berlin The French Premier and M. Briand have returned to
Paris from Berlin. Their visit was tentative in any case and seemed to be inauspicious while overshadowed by fresh recollections of the defeat of the proposal for an Austro-German Zollverein. However, as there was no untoward result, it may now be reckoned as an active advance towards better relations, whereas a failure. on the part of France to return the visit paid by the German Chancellor and Dr. Curtius to Paris last July would have marked a step backward. The newspapers do not report much enthusiasm among the population, but equally, there were no hostile demonstrations by Nationalists. They may not, however, have refrained altogether willingly ; the police were very energetic and careful of the guests. Though we write of the visit as satisfactory and as a good sign, yet how lamentable that it should need saying twelve years after the signature of Peace ! Arrangements were confirmed for the establish- ment of a Franco-German Commission to study and advise upon commercial collaboration. Some industrial bodies, such as the Comite des Forges, may think this super- fluous. If it promotes European prosperity we shall rejoice, but it is not established from consideration of our beaux yeux or in order to enrich Great Britain. It seems to be settled that M. Laval will visit Washington so soon as can be arranged.