At-rums Fruits.
Many of us, I hope, are still enjoying some very delicious English fruit, large and luscious, that used to belong only to late spring. The best that I have seen and tasted came......
That Birds—perhaps Most Birds—have Some Artistic Sense Is...
; and incidentally the fact has been affirmed, with some convincing, examples at a recent dis- cussion of the British Association in London. It cannot be a question of just......
Migrant Perils.
The account from Vienna of the strange experience of migrant swallows contains what is probably an error in natural history. The facts are that many thousands of swallows were......
*- * * * We Share Some Of Our Birds
with South Africa. It seems that we share also one of the less desirable mammals. Cecil Rhodes did in the Cape what the Duke of Bedford did at Woburn, but went a step farther.......
Artistic Swallows.
An African correspondent (one of many who write to the Spectator on natural history subjects) sends me a picture and' an account of a quaint artistic (or self-protective) device......
Country Life
ENGLISH. BULBS. It is a welcome sign of the times that among the numerous Dutch catalogues of bulbs that reach thousands , of us in scores at this season are some English......
The Road Revolarrion.
A book, as rapid in style as the subject it deals with, has just been published by the Secretary of the A.A., This Motoring, by Stenson Cooke (Cassell, 3s. 6d.), and it has......
The Terrible And Abnormal Mortality Among Smaller...
inferred from the breeding figures. Most pairs of swallows successfully hatch some ten young. One pair this year hatehed twenty. These become mature and them- selves breed at a......