On Tuesday Sir ; Arthur Steel-Maitland moved the third reading.
The principal speech for the Opposition was a clever, rhetorical one from Sir Stafford Cripps. We dotibt that he was very happy as he made it. The old recriminations between the speakers for the Government and the members of the late Cabinet were revived. Major Tryon, the new Minister of Pensions, wound up the debate, on which the Government majority was 55, and the Bill was sent to the Upper House to be read a first time the same evening. Later, the Minister . of Labour, Sir Henry Betterton, moved the supplementary estimate of £13,700,000 to cover what remained due to pay unemployment and transitional benefit instead of borrowing further. The debt ktands it over £100,000,000. On Wednesday the Prime Minister announced that the -House would adjourn next Wednesday, when he might be able to say when there would = be a dissolution. The Economy' Bill passed through the -remaining stages in the Upper House and received the Royal Assent.