Sir Gregory Foster We deeply regret to record the death
of Sir Gregory Foster, formerly Provost of University College, and Vice-Chancellor of the University of London. Sir Gregory, who was sixty-five, devoted almost his whole life to the College. From University College School he went as a student to the College in 1885, and, save for a few years at Strasbourg . and at Bedford College, he did not leave it till the end of 1929. He acted as secretary and assistant professor of English till he became Principal in 1904 and Provost in 1907, Under his skilful and enthusiastic direction University College was trebled in size and numbers, while its effi- ciency- as an institution for teaching and research was greatly increased. Sir Gregory Foster was not . les; active in promoting the reorganization of the University, which became possible under the Act of 1898, and in inducing the once scattered and individualistic London colleges to work together in harmony. The cause of higher education in London owes much to this modest and single-minded scholar, who was popular alike with his colleagues and with many generations of students.