To arouse enthusiasm for missionary effort is hard now- adays
; only a bold, one might say an obstinate, believer in it would make the attempt. So many people have come to agree with Queen Victoria, who asked : "What right have we to tell Mohammedans that their religion is false ? " and added frankly : " I have no right to judge whether it is or not." Miss Vera Kingston has no such misgivings, and in An Army with Banners (Sampson Low, 12s. 6d.) she is able with a sure touch to enlist our sympathy and compel our admiration for a number of the devoted men and women who have carried the Gospel among " the heathen." It is a little surprising to find the Bishop of St. Albans (who once gained at Oxford a repu- tation as a progressive) claiming in his foreword that our conditions in Britain Drove the value of Christian teaching, and urging that we are bound to pass on our blessings to others. Has he read the book which his fellow-bishop of Southwark has written about slums ?
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