rather than the merit of the horses, have contributed to give these races THE visit of Royalty and the sacred ground over which the course lies, interest. They commenced on Tuesday; on which day their Majesties, and their royal and noble visitants and suite, honoured the show by their presence. A little before two o'clock, the Duke and Duchess of Glou- cester arrived at the Royal Stand, and in a short time were followed by their Majesties in an open phaeton and four with a few outriders; in the same carriage were the Landgravine of Hesse Romberg and the Duke of Saxe Meiningen. The remainder of the Royal party occupied five open carriages and four. The principal members of the suite were- Their Royal Highnesses the Duchess of Cambridge, Prince George of Cambridge, Princess Augusta. their Serene Highnesses the Duchesses of Saxe Weimar and daughters, Saxe Meiningen, and the Duke of Saxe Meiningen ; Earl of Albemarle, Lord Clinton, Lord Errol, Lord Adolphus Fitzelareuce, Sir A. Barnard, Sir W. Preemantle, Rev. M. Wood, Colonel Thornton. Their Majesties were received, as usual, with lively demonstrations of respect, and entered with great affability into the afternoon's amuse- ments; on their departure the cheers of the spectators were enthusi- astic. Among the fashionables were the following- Marquis Graham, Earl Jersey, Earl of Uxbridge, Count Bathinny, Earl Mount- diaries, Earl Stradbroke, Earl of March, Lord Villiers, Lord \V. Lennox, Lord James Fitzroy, Lord John Fitzroy, Lord Ranelagh, Lord Mulgrave, I.Ton. General Grosvenor, Hon. E. Petre. Cohniel Russell, Sir Mark Wood, Sir Lewyn Colonel Udny, Colonel Chffioner, Major Gore, Captain Bpi°, Captain Maberly, Captain Bulkeley, Captain G. Bulkeley.
Tuesdv, Angust 30.
Match-100 sovereigns each, h. ft. Two miles.
Captain G. Bulkeley's b. c. Whalebone, 3 yrs. 8st.... 1
Mr. Gardnor's b. c. Leander, 3 yrs. Sst........... . 2
Two.year-old stakes of 20 sovereigns each, h. ft.; colts, 8st. ; fillies, 7st. 111b. Half a mile. (10 subscribers.)
Mr. Dockeray's f. by Whalebone 1
Mr. Grant's 1. by Partisan ...... . ....... •••• .• • . Mr.W W. Day's bro. to Interpreter.. •......... 3
Mr. Gardnor's b. c. Tarquin . . 4 Mr. Gates's gr. c. by Little John - 5
Mr. Gray's b. f. Yorkshire Lizzy... ........... .......... ..... 6 The Gold Cup Stakes of 10 sovereigns each, the owner of the second Forse to say his stake ; 3 yrs. old, Est. 121b. ; four yrs. 8st. 10Ib. ; five yrs. 9st. lib. ; six yrs and aged, 9st. 6113.; mares and geldings allowed 31b. The winner to be sold for GOO guineas, &c. Two miles. (14 subscribers.)
1 Mr. Theobald's Pilgrim, 3 yrs
Air. J. Day's b. g. Liston, aged '2
Lord Afountcharles's Gayhurst, 5 yrs Duke of Richmond's Refugee, 4 yrs 4 Mr. Bulkeley's Whalebone, 3 yrs... ... 5 Pilgrim was claimed, but the claim was not persisted in, as there was a dispute about his age.
1 1 5 2 6 3 3 4 4 5
2 dr.
3nitalat of The weather on NI ednesday very much marred the spurt, t
Thursday fairly settled it. The races on t,i.:11 day were won easily; there was in fact not a single severe struggle in any one case.
The Runnymede Stakes of 10 sovereigns each, and 30 added ; 3 yrs. ;at.; four, 8st. 71b. ; 5, 9st.; 6 and aged, 9st. 41b. ; mares and geldings allowed 31b. ; the winner to be sold for 200 sovereigns, &c. Heats, one mile. (6 subscribers.) Mr. Gates's b. f. by Little John, 3 yrs Lord Uxbridge's Sketch Book, 4 yrs. Mr. J. Day's Brisk, aged Lord Aiountcharles's Clio, 4 yrs...
Mr. Yeaseley's Coventry, 4 yrs Mr. Gardnor's King William, 4 yrs
1Vednesd ty, August 31 The Magna Charta Stakes of 50 sovereigns each, h. ft ; for 3 yrs. old colts, Sot.71.b.; fillies, Sot. 41b. ; the new mile ; four subscribers. Mr. Maberly's ch. f. Farce, by Swiss (PavisS
Captain Locke's b. c. Upstart, by Cliampignun Mr. Waugh's b. f. Fancy Duke of Richmond's Elvas The Surry and Middlesex Stakes of 25 soversig distance.
Mr. Theobald's Pilgrim, 3 yrs. Est. l alb.
Duke of Richmond's Conciliation, 3 yrs. 7st. 2lb 2 Duke of Richmond's Refugee, 4 yrs. fist. 81b. 3
Mr. iltilkefey's thistle, 4 yrs. 8st. 916 4
Mr. Maberly's Farce, 3 yrs. 7st. 21b... ..... 5 Colonel Cosby's 'Endo°, 5 yrs. 9st. 41b 6
The Brigade Stakes of 10 sovereigns each, and 15 added, for Hunters; heats a mile; the winner to be sold for SO sovereigns, &c. ; 4 subscribers.
Mr. Oliveru's Frizzle, list. 1216. (Air. Goulding) 2 1 1 Mr. Tilbury's Smuggler, list. 81b
31 d2is.dr.
ThqrsIfiy, September 1. Air. Griffiths's ch. m. 10st. 9ib
Sweepstakes of 30 sovereigns each, 20 ft for 2 yr. old colts, 8st. 51b.; fillies, Est. 216. winners once 31h. and twice 51b.. extra. T. Y. C. 7 subscribers. Duke of Richmond's f. by \Whalebone, out of Harpalice (Boyce) 1
Lord Mouutcharles's c. by 13rutandorf, out of Evans . . 2 Mr. Laurence's hl. c. The Black Giant, by Smolensk° 3 The Sunning Hill Stakes, of 5 sovereigns each, and lOadded. The last three-quarters of the new mile. 12 subscribers.
Mr. Ramsbottom's Z ncharelli, 4 yrs. 8 it. 911,. (Conelly) 1 Mr. NVetherall's Taglioni, 4 yrs. 8st. 4Ib 2 Mr. Gardnor's King William, 4 yrs. st. 10Ib. . . 3 The Egliam Stakes of 5 sovereigns each, and 25 added front the fund; 3 yrs. 1st.; 4 yrs. Sat. 21b. ; 5 yrs. 8st. 816. ; fi yrs. and aged, Sit. 111b. The winner to be sold for 100 sovereigns, &e. Heats one wile and a half.
Mr. Scatth's Harmony, 4 yrs. (Waltclichl).... 1 1 Lord Mountchailes's Clio. 4 yrs 2 2
Air. W. Day's Rasselas, 6 yrs. Capt. Locl:e's Russignol, 5 yrs. . Mr. Wetherall's Marathon, 4 yr,
3 4 ach, 15ft., 2 miles and a