Safety Steam-boats.—a Correspondent Who Has Investigated...
that all steam-boats should be compelled to carry with them at least three " florying-yawls "—boats which can, on occasion, receive from twenty-five to thirty-five, or, in fine......
Tiie New Island.
THIS volcanic production lies about twenty-five miles from Sicily, be- tween Gil-gelid and Pantallaria. The following report of its progress is given by Commander Swinburne, of......
The Bronze Statue Of Mr. Pitt, By Ca/auger, Has Been
placed' upon pedestal,.at the south side of Hanover Square, and is now open to "%NIG view. The point from which it is seen to most advantage is the .centre of the road-way. of......
Embellished Periodicals.
THE First Part of " The Monastic Annals of Teviotdale," by the Reverend JAMES MORTON, is embellished with two beautiful views, and a plan of Jedburgh Abbey, engraved in a style......