France on the 13th of August. They are-the Diana, Perola,
Amazona' frigates ; Lealdade, Dom Joao I., corvettes ; Dom Pedro, Dom Sebastian, brigs ; Memoria, schooner. The French squadron, with the exception of one frigate and a corvette, was to sail on the 14th for Brest and Toulon.
11'EsT INDIA REBEI.T.ION.-The good people of Grenada have passed very strong resolutions tv2,itinst what they designate the unjustifiable in- terference. of Government with their property, in the contemplated
Slave Regulations. They even talk of throwing, off their allegiance, if the regulations are persisted in. We alluded to this fact last week in our second edition. The Island of St. Vincent, it appears by the latest arrivals, is equally indignant, and has passed similar resolutions to those of Grenada.
ATTEMPT To BURN KINGSTON, JAMAICA.-Several daring attempts, it appears, have been lately made to set fire to this city, by placing ignited
combustible matter under the flooring of several houses. The Mayor had issued a proclamation, offering a reward of 1,0001. to any one who would give information which might lead to the detection and conviction of the incendiaries.
PARISIAN LIBERALITY.-A methodist chapel has lately been erected in Paris ; and for this purpose the French have opened a separate sub- scription, and a sum of 5001. has been voted by them. Mr. Cook, the Methodist missionary there, has been invited to preach in some of the ,Catholic churches ; and some Protestant works, translated into French, Lave been presented to the Queen, with which her Majesty declared herself highly delighted.
Cuomiata.-The Austrian Observer of the lath ult. announces the ap- pearance of this disorder at Rohrau, within twelve leagues of Vienna. In the north-eastern counties of Hungary, the peasantry seem at a loss to find out whether the disease be a gift of their nobles or their doctors; and to make sure, they slaughter both wherever they find them. The insurrection seems to be a serious one. The cholera has appeared at Revel. Up to the 12th ult. eighty-two persons had been attacked, of whom forty-four had died.